Thursday, 26 May 2011

american idol season 10

okay. currently aku memang dah addict sgt tgk show ni. tak boleh resist lg dah. tp skrg dah abis laa HAHA. it's just that, I'm not fully satisfied with the result show ! american, you did the wrong choice urghhh. SCOTTY MCREERY won? WTF i mean, he did great though. but LAUREN ALAINA is far too better than him. kesian lauren. huh. as for me, Scotty is definitely got the package. it's just that soooo many girls out there is voting him just because the fact that he is cute. ( american laa yg vote ) DAMN takdelah cute mana kan. chettttt! tp nak buat macamana. bukan aku yang vote pun. bising lak HAHAHA. tp betul laa wey. she deserved the title. even HALEY REINHART pun patut masuk top 2. both of them was my pick before the finale. sbb scotty tu bese2 je. JAMES DURBIN pun boleh tersingkir. haisshhh ntahlaa. memang skrg ni, kalo tgk reality show je, org akan judge them based on ada package, rupa sikit. nak nak pulak kat Malaysia ni kalo orang memang muka yg dianugerahkan ala-ala KPOP. mahu nye melalak-lalak pempuan kat luar. semua vote. ntah tak paham laa aku. but this is happening in our community nowadays. pelik. talent diorang tu sekadar nak melayakkan masuk ke dalam show je. tp benda lain is taken as priority. sampai bila lah nak maju dgn mentality camni. pape pun, LAUREN ALAINA and HALEY REINHART is my favourite of this season. plus, JAMES DURBIN HAHAHA. nah layan laa antara performance diorg yg aku sukaa.

this would be my fav song in this show

suara minah ni sumpah best!

perghhh !

alright guys. itu lah antara best moment diorg dalam show ni. tp banyak lg sbnarnye. cehh aku dah jd cam pengkritik plak kat sini. ahh biar laa kan. memang blog tempat nak kritik pun. maaf lah ye. kalo tak suka, tak payah baca blog aku. senang, HAHAHA.
okay, thanks for reading ! (:

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